the tale of a melted trooper
The Melted Trooper is a piece real close to funkydisonante’s heart. It reflects his mental health state after years of unattended burnout.
After finishing this piece, started the journey to recover through his paintings the dormant artist.
In his process, funkydisonante used the canvas as a tool to calm his mind, letting the energy, and music flow through him healing the body, imprinting his heart and soul into each art piece.
Jazz tunes and Classic Rock channeled through his body into the blank canvas. In the zone, he was able to connect with his pain, releasing it through music and his brush.
Creeping from the side the burn outspread, this time to his loved ones. It was time to pause, regroup, and focus on family and mental health.
Determined to do art while creating burnout awareness, launched his latest collection Tales Of Joe Hueso, with the Melted Trooper as the main piece and released his first drop in December 2021.
“The Melted trooper represents endurance; Keeping it together through tough times, overcoming past years mental-health meltdowns. Recognizing a new opportunity to strive again. Alive, looking forward. Strong like a trooper.”
funkydisonante | Camilo Martinez, 12/08/20
A week later the Burn strikes back, this time Funkydisonante’s studio caught fire and took down all the collection. It burned down the studio to ashes.
The Melted Trooper is the only Painting that survived Funkydisonante's Studio's Fire.
Keep moving Forward.
The next day funkydisonante with a piece of charcoal from the ashes of his studio, started salvaging a canvas and paint and continued on his journey as a full time artist.
Soon Releasing a complete new body of work, 2022 collection.