Welcome to my studio

A haven where art breathes life into emotions and narratives.

Each brushstroke reverberates with tales of resilience, encapsulated within the struggles of burnout, mental health battles, and heartache that surrounded me. Amid life's chaos, art emerged as my solace, a beacon expressing profound healing.

After departing the corporate world, my music/art studio was tragically reduced to ashes. I faced the daunting task of rebuilding everything from the ground up.

Shifting from a corporate existence to prioritizing family and mental well-being, my art symbolizes a phoenix rising from adversity, marking a transformative rebirth.

Today, fueled by resilience and passion, my creations echo stories of profound healing and renewal.

+ About Camilo Martinez

Camilo Martinez, 2022 @funkydisonantestudio
Camilo Martinez, 2022 @funkydisonantestudio

Join me in championing mental health awareness while delving into my series:

Tales of Joe Hueso, The Troopertinas, Rock Pop Art, and the latest Martinez+Lynch Collaboration

—a nostalgic revisit to the Saturday morning cartoons that shaped our youth!